“We shall walk together on the path of life, for all things are part of the universe, and are connected together to form one whole unity.””
Step 1: Let’s talk
Let us know each other, understand what you are looking for with regards to your children school environment. Our education philosophies are grounded in rigorous methodologies proven over the years by many institutions. But they differ from the traditional approach.
Let’s make sure we are a good fit by exchanging on email and while we host you for a visit on the campus. Meeting each child on campus is very important to us and to them !
Step 2: APPLY
If our school is a fit for you and that we still have capacity, we will ask you to submit your application for enrolment as well as the last two years of report cards/progress reports. For students applying Kindergarten and up, we also require at least one confidential reference to be completed by the child’s previous school. This contact information should be shared within the application.
Step 3: Enroll
Once formally admitted, there is some additional documentation that we may request for our records, including but limited to: passport/ID copies, vaccination records, an enrollment questionnaire, and a family code of conduct. At this point, we will issue your family an invoice for our non-refundable enrollment fee .
Admission and Retention Policies
Parents interested in enrolling their children are invited to visit Doves International Montessori School for a tour and discussion.
It is understood when a child is accepted for enrolment at DIMS that the parents or guardians will make a sincere effort to support the student and the school by learning about the Montessori philosophy themselves and applying its principles as closely as possible at home. In the event of the home and school’s philosophies not being in accordance, and in order to avoid confusion for the child, the parents will be asked to seek another school whose philosophy and approach is more aligned with their own. Siblings of children already enrolled at DIMS are given preference in enrollment.
Non-Discrimination Policy: Dove International Montessori School welcomes students of every race, sex, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, and from all types of families.